
Insightful Ergonomics Graphic

Written by ergonomic professionals, our Insightful ERGONOMICS newsletter covers a variety of topics including ergonomic trends, programs, and different mindsets with the goal of helping you think about ergonomics in a slightly different way.

2024 Edition

Ergonomics Support for Change Management: Integration of Exoskeleton

Ergonomists play a crucial role in supporting client productivity and preventing injuries. To do this effectively, it’s important to explore new trends, and current and emerging technologies, such as exoskeleton, to develop strategies and identify the tools that can best support clients with complex ergonomic risk needs.

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Ergonomics and Change Management: Measuring the Value of Ergonomics Through Client ROI

For many organizations, the value of ergonomics interventions is assessed within the context of the levels of productivity, or in calculating injury costs before, and injury costs after. This insight confirms the need and importance for practitioners to quantify the impact an ergonomic change has, as well as, to understand how to align any gains with broader corporate goals and key performance indicators (KPIs). The challenge is, how can practitioners correlate ergonomic outcomes across clients that have varying levels of programs and systems?

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Moving Ergonomics Upstream: Proactive Programs Explored Through Alignment with PDCA

Proactive ergonomics is key to preventing injuries from occurring in the workplace and to reducing the costs associated with MSD injuries. However, it is often difficult to identify and justify how and when proactive ergonomics should be integrated into a design process or project. This was accomplished through systematic and methodical program support and tracking of interventions and outcomes across different stages of a client’s New Model/Product Launch cycle.

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